This is a submission for the Future Writing Challenge: How Technology Is Changing Things.
I’m writing this letter to my 5-year-old brother, Anup Adak, to tell him about how technology is changing things in a fun and simple way that he can understand. Anup loves playing with his toy cars and watching animal videos, so I’ll use examples he’ll enjoy!
Hey Anup!
It’s me, your big brother, Aniruddha! I want to tell you about some super cool stuff happening with technology. You know that tablet you use to watch cartoons or play games? And the TV that shows us those funny animal videos? That’s all technology! It’s like magic that makes things work, and it’s changing every day to make our lives even more fun.
Hey you know how you push your toy car to make it zoom across the floor? Well, guess what? Soon, real cars might drive themselves! No one has to push them or even steer them—they’ll just go vroom all by themselves. How awesome is that? Maybe one day, we’ll hop in a car, and it’ll take us to the park without me or Mom doing anything!
And you also know how we used to wait forever for our favorite cartoon to come on TV? Now, with technology, we can watch it anytime we want on the tablet. Poof! It’s like having a magic remote that says, “Play my show right now!”
You love animals, right? With technology, you can watch lions, elephants, and even silly monkeys from all over the world—right from your bed! 😮
It’s like having a zoo in your room. And guess what else? When Mom talks to Grandma on the phone, soon we might see her face on the screen, like she’s sitting with us! Technology is like a superhero that keeps our family close, even when they’re far away.
Now, here’s a funny one for you: what if your toys came to life and started talking? Like, your toy car says, “Hey Anup, let’s race!” Haha, just kidding! That’s not happening… yet! But wouldn’t that be hilarious? Maybe it’d tell you jokes while you play.
Oh, and you know how we hold hands and look both ways when crossing the street? In the future, cars might be so smart they’ll see us and stop all by themselves. No more worrying—just zoom, stop, and we’re safe! Cool, right?
So, Anup, what do you think? Would you want a car that drives itself? Or maybe a toy that talks back to you? Ooh, here’s a big question: if you could have any technology, what would it be? A robot that does your chores? Or a magic carpet that flies you to school? Tell me your ideas—I bet they’re super fun!
Every day, super-smart people are making new things to surprise us. They’re like toy builders, but for technology! Who knows what we’ll have when you’re big like me? Maybe a pet robot dinosaur that roars! Technology is like a big adventure, Anup, and it’s going to bring us tons of exciting stuff. I can’t wait to see what you’ll play with in the future!
Love 💖 you lots,
Aniruddha (your big bro!)
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