
Data Science at Home

Latest episodes

Machine Learning in Rust: Amadeus with Alec Mocatta [RB] (ep. 127)

Machine Learning in Rust: Amadeus with Alec Mocatta [RB] (ep. 127)

Data Science at Home,
Top-3 ways to put machine learning models into production (Ep. 126)

Top-3 ways to put machine learning models into production (Ep. 126)

Data Science at Home,
Remove noise from data with deep learning (Ep.125)

Remove noise from data with deep learning (Ep.125)

Data Science at Home,
What is contrastive learning and why it is so powerful? (Ep. 124)

What is contrastive learning and why it is so powerful? (Ep. 124)

Data Science at Home,
Neural search (Ep. 123)

Neural search (Ep. 123)

Data Science at Home,
Let's talk about federated learning (Ep. 122)

Let's talk about federated learning (Ep. 122)

Data Science at Home,
How to test machine learning in production (Ep. 121)

How to test machine learning in production (Ep. 121)

Data Science at Home,
Why synthetic data cannot boost machine learning (Ep. 120)

Why synthetic data cannot boost machine learning (Ep. 120)

Data Science at Home,
Machine learning in production: best practices [LIVE from twitch.tv] (Ep. 119)

Machine learning in production: best practices [LIVE from twitch.tv] (Ep. 119)

Data Science at Home,
Testing in machine learning: checking deeplearning models (Ep. 118)

Testing in machine learning: checking deeplearning models (Ep. 118)

Data Science at Home,
Testing in machine learning: generating tests and data (Ep. 117)

Testing in machine learning: generating tests and data (Ep. 117)

Data Science at Home,
Why you care about homomorphic encryption (Ep. 116)

Why you care about homomorphic encryption (Ep. 116)

Data Science at Home,
Test-First machine learning (Ep. 115)

Test-First machine learning (Ep. 115)

Data Science at Home,
GPT-3 cannot code (and never will) (Ep. 114)

GPT-3 cannot code (and never will) (Ep. 114)

Data Science at Home,
Make Stochastic Gradient Descent Fast Again (Ep. 113)

Make Stochastic Gradient Descent Fast Again (Ep. 113)

Data Science at Home,
What data transformation library should I use? Pandas vs Dask vs Ray vs Modin vs Rapids (Ep. 112)

What data transformation library should I use? Pandas vs Dask vs Ray vs Modin vs Rapids (Ep. 112)

Data Science at Home,
[RB] It’s cold outside. Let’s speak about AI winter (Ep. 111)

[RB] It’s cold outside. Let’s speak about AI winter (Ep. 111)

Data Science at Home,
Rust and machine learning #4: practical tools (Ep. 110)

Rust and machine learning #4: practical tools (Ep. 110)

Data Science at Home,
Rust and machine learning #3 with Alec Mocatta (Ep. 109)

Rust and machine learning #3 with Alec Mocatta (Ep. 109)

Data Science at Home,
Rust and machine learning #2 with Luca Palmieri (Ep. 108)

Rust and machine learning #2 with Luca Palmieri (Ep. 108)

Data Science at Home,
Rust and machine learning #1 (Ep. 107)

Rust and machine learning #1 (Ep. 107)

Data Science at Home,
Protecting workers with artificial intelligence (with Sandeep Pandya CEO Everguard.ai)(Ep. 106)

Protecting workers with artificial intelligence (with Sandeep Pandya CEO Everguard.ai)(Ep. 106)

Data Science at Home,
Compressing deep learning models: rewinding (Ep.105)

Compressing deep learning models: rewinding (Ep.105)

Data Science at Home,
Compressing deep learning models: distillation (Ep.104)

Compressing deep learning models: distillation (Ep.104)

Data Science at Home,
Pandemics and the risks of collecting data (Ep. 103)

Pandemics and the risks of collecting data (Ep. 103)

Data Science at Home,
Why average can get your predictions very wrong (ep. 102)

Why average can get your predictions very wrong (ep. 102)

Data Science at Home,
Activate deep learning neurons faster with Dynamic RELU (ep. 101)

Activate deep learning neurons faster with Dynamic RELU (ep. 101)

Data Science at Home,
WARNING!! Neural networks can memorize secrets (ep. 100)

WARNING!! Neural networks can memorize secrets (ep. 100)

Data Science at Home,
Attacks to machine learning model: inferring ownership of training data (Ep. 99)

Attacks to machine learning model: inferring ownership of training data (Ep. 99)

Data Science at Home,
Don't be naive with data anonymization (Ep. 98)

Don't be naive with data anonymization (Ep. 98)

Data Science at Home,
