
Elixir Mix

Latest episodes

Type-safe OTP in Gleam with Louis Pilfold - EMx 187

Type-safe OTP in Gleam with Louis Pilfold - EMx 187

Elixir Mix,
What it means to be a Senior - EMx 186

What it means to be a Senior - EMx 186

Elixir Mix,
Domain-Driven Design And Elixir - EMx 185

Domain-Driven Design And Elixir - EMx 185

Elixir Mix,
Getting Hired as an Elixir programmer with Adi Iyengar - EMx 184

Getting Hired as an Elixir programmer with Adi Iyengar - EMx 184

Elixir Mix,
How Quiqup Left Elixir and Then Came Back - EMx 183

How Quiqup Left Elixir and Then Came Back - EMx 183

Elixir Mix,
Combining GraphQL and LiveView with Abul Asar Sayyad - EMX 182

Combining GraphQL and LiveView with Abul Asar Sayyad - EMX 182

Elixir Mix,
Building APIs - EMX 181

Building APIs - EMX 181

Elixir Mix,
Effective Software Documentation with Everett Griffiths - EMx 180

Effective Software Documentation with Everett Griffiths - EMx 180

Elixir Mix,
All Things Concurrency - EMx 179

All Things Concurrency - EMx 179

Elixir Mix,
Animating Error Tags in Phoenix LiveView - EMx 178

Animating Error Tags in Phoenix LiveView - EMx 178

Elixir Mix,
Challenges of Scaling and Choosing the Right Tool with Simon Zelazny - EMx 177

Challenges of Scaling and Choosing the Right Tool with Simon Zelazny - EMx 177

Elixir Mix,
Macros and Busting Boilerplate with Robert Ellen - EMx 176

Macros and Busting Boilerplate with Robert Ellen - EMx 176

Elixir Mix,
Managing Business Rules in Elixir Applications - EMx 175

Managing Business Rules in Elixir Applications - EMx 175

Elixir Mix,
Career Progressions: From Paratrooper to Software Engineer with Teo Diaz - EMx 174

Career Progressions: From Paratrooper to Software Engineer with Teo Diaz - EMx 174

Elixir Mix,
Promises of the Elixir & BEAM - EMx 173

Promises of the Elixir & BEAM - EMx 173

Elixir Mix,
Publishing Static Github Pages Using Github Actions - EMx 172

Publishing Static Github Pages Using Github Actions - EMx 172

Elixir Mix,
Benchee and Elixir 2.0 with Tobi Pfeiffer - EMx 171

Benchee and Elixir 2.0 with Tobi Pfeiffer - EMx 171

Elixir Mix,
Supabase with Chase Granberry - EMx 170

Supabase with Chase Granberry - EMx 170

Elixir Mix,
Building Project Severus with Eric Sullivan - EMx 169

Building Project Severus with Eric Sullivan - EMx 169

Elixir Mix,
Untangling Cloud Infrastructure with Cory o’Daniel - EMx 168

Untangling Cloud Infrastructure with Cory o’Daniel - EMx 168

Elixir Mix,
Phoenix LiveView for Frontend Developers with Koen van Gilst - EMx 167

Phoenix LiveView for Frontend Developers with Koen van Gilst - EMx 167

Elixir Mix,
Event-Driven Elixir with Thomas Kunnumpurath - EMx 166

Event-Driven Elixir with Thomas Kunnumpurath - EMx 166

Elixir Mix,
Learning Erlang with Adolfo Neto -  EMx 165

Learning Erlang with Adolfo Neto - EMx 165

Elixir Mix,
Reusable Ecto Code with Mika Kalathil - EMx 164

Reusable Ecto Code with Mika Kalathil - EMx 164

Elixir Mix,
Code Quality Tools In Elixir - EMx 163

Code Quality Tools In Elixir - EMx 163

Elixir Mix,
To Umbrella or not to Umbrella - EMx 162

To Umbrella or not to Umbrella - EMx 162

Elixir Mix,
Full-text Search Powered by Elasticlunr with Rasheed Atanda - EMx 161

Full-text Search Powered by Elasticlunr with Rasheed Atanda - EMx 161

Elixir Mix,
OTP in Depth -  EMx 160

OTP in Depth - EMx 160

Elixir Mix,
When NOT To Use Elixir - EMx 159

When NOT To Use Elixir - EMx 159

Elixir Mix,
Getting Elixir Right with Alex Burlacu - EMx 158

Getting Elixir Right with Alex Burlacu - EMx 158

Elixir Mix,
