
Full Stack Radio

Latest episodes

32: DHH - Building Basecamp 3 like a Porsche 911

32: DHH - Building Basecamp 3 like a Porsche 911

Full Stack Radio,
31: Woody Zuill - #NoEstimates

31: Woody Zuill - #NoEstimates

Full Stack Radio,
30: Evan You - Diving Deep into Vue.js

30: Evan You - Diving Deep into Vue.js

Full Stack Radio,
29: Mark Otto - Bootstrap 4 and CSS architecture at scale

29: Mark Otto - Bootstrap 4 and CSS architecture at scale

Full Stack Radio,
28: Jeffrey Way and Dave Marshall - "Don't mock what you don't own"

28: Jeffrey Way and Dave Marshall - "Don't mock what you don't own"

Full Stack Radio,
27: Ben Orenstein - Outside-in TDD and Dependency Injection in Rails

27: Ben Orenstein - Outside-in TDD and Dependency Injection in Rails

Full Stack Radio,
26: Josh Pigford - What do you need when you launch?

26: Josh Pigford - What do you need when you launch?

Full Stack Radio,
25: Matt Machuga - Tips and tricks to make your code awesome

25: Matt Machuga - Tips and tricks to make your code awesome

Full Stack Radio,
24: Wes Bos - What the Flexbox?!

24: Wes Bos - What the Flexbox?!

Full Stack Radio,
23: Chris Hunt - How GitHub does remote work

23: Chris Hunt - How GitHub does remote work

Full Stack Radio,
22: Corey Haines - The 4 Rules of Simple Design

22: Corey Haines - The 4 Rules of Simple Design

Full Stack Radio,
21: Chad Pytel - Sticking to your guns

21: Chad Pytel - Sticking to your guns

Full Stack Radio,
20: Ian Landsman - Code is not a business

20: Ian Landsman - Code is not a business

Full Stack Radio,
19: Dave Marshall - Designing Effective Tests

19: Dave Marshall - Designing Effective Tests

Full Stack Radio,
18: Katie Cerar - Designing and Prototyping for Clients

18: Katie Cerar - Designing and Prototyping for Clients

Full Stack Radio,
17: Adam Culp - Maximizing Your Conference Experience

17: Adam Culp - Maximizing Your Conference Experience

Full Stack Radio,
16: Kent Beck - Tiny Decisions and Emergent Design

16: Kent Beck - Tiny Decisions and Emergent Design

Full Stack Radio,
15: Everzet - Classicist and Mockist TDD

15: Everzet - Classicist and Mockist TDD

Full Stack Radio,
14: Taylor Otwell - Building Envoyer, Laravel 5.1 and Learning to Program

14: Taylor Otwell - Building Envoyer, Laravel 5.1 and Learning to Program

Full Stack Radio,
13: Phil Sturgeon - Designing and Testing APIs, Go and PHP 7

13: Phil Sturgeon - Designing and Testing APIs, Go and PHP 7

Full Stack Radio,
12: Jack McDade - Building Photoshoot.io and Getting Stuff Done

12: Jack McDade - Building Photoshoot.io and Getting Stuff Done

Full Stack Radio,
11: Jeffrey Way - "But how does it feel?"

11: Jeffrey Way - "But how does it feel?"

Full Stack Radio,
10: Type Safety Roundtable with Ryan Tablada and Matt Machuga

10: Type Safety Roundtable with Ryan Tablada and Matt Machuga

Full Stack Radio,
9: David Heinemeier Hansson - Architecture, Patterns and Design

9: David Heinemeier Hansson - Architecture, Patterns and Design

Full Stack Radio,
8: Sean Devine - Ember and API first

8: Sean Devine - Ember and API first

Full Stack Radio,
7: Shawn McCool - BDD and DDD

7: Shawn McCool - BDD and DDD

Full Stack Radio,
6: Chris Fidao - Servers for Hackers

6: Chris Fidao - Servers for Hackers

Full Stack Radio,
5: Ryan Singer - Jobs-to-be-Done and Product Design

5: Ryan Singer - Jobs-to-be-Done and Product Design

Full Stack Radio,
4: Alex Bilbie - OAuth 2 and API Security

4: Alex Bilbie - OAuth 2 and API Security

Full Stack Radio,
3: Matt Machuga - Ruby, PHP, object oriented design, testing and other crap

3: Matt Machuga - Ruby, PHP, object oriented design, testing and other crap

Full Stack Radio,
