My new proposed novel “King of the Mountain” concerns a disabled Canadian Afghan war veteran, who has struggled with post trauma depression.
Chapter One
After his honorable discharge from the Canadian Army as an officer, he became a private detective in Toronto. Unfortunately, He was full of frustration and anger.
His was born Michael King but insisted on being called “Friend.” Everyone called him, “Friend”, his superiors, those who served with him or for him, and all his clients.
“Friend” had an ecliptic memory with sharp attention to detail. Nothing got by him. He would play any game to win. This included deep cover as a spy, and complicated ruses. He was a perfect cop if you didn't mind a few murders. All his loyal partners did the same.
He lived on the top of a mountain but most of his time after his honorable discharge, roaming the world. He was after his most hated enemy, Nero, born in Canada, of Sicilian parentage, and the most evil man he ever met. Nero survived what Friend called “Certain Death” This was his first and last assumption.
Even though he lost a leg in the Afghan war, below the knee, his mechanical leg and foot, served him better than a living foot
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