
The Angular Show

E041 - Styling Applications in Angular

Let's admit it - sometimes CSS can be difficult. Seasoned veterans of web development even struggle with CSS. It's this magical thing that makes our applications look and work with beauty. But, it can also be a challenge, especially as our applications and teams grow and evolve. Most Angular developers spend their day writing TypeScript, HTML, and CSS, or potentially use a preprocessor for CSS such as SCSS or LESS. This episode of The Angular Show focuses on the latter.

The panelists are joined by Nicole Oliver, a senior software engineer at Narwhal, who teaches about styling applications in Angular as she shares her experience working with large organizations to reign in the beast that is CSS.

The group dives into topics such as block-element-modifier (BEM), Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS (SMACSS), Object-oriented CSS (OOCSS), and utility-first methodologies. They also chat about using SCSS variables, CSS custom variables, and other approaches for consistent styling of Angular applications.

Nicole Oliver @nixallover
Jennifer Wadella @likeOMGitsFEDAY
Brian Love @brian_love
Aaron Frost@aaronfrost

Show Notes:

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