

ep14: Dev Week - Rafael Leitão, Frontend Developer at Holidu

It's been a while again but I'm back! Meet my dev friend, Rafael from Olinda, Brazil😎

Rafael Leitão is a frontend developer at Holidu going for his second month in his first job after leaving his own startup. Rafael is also an aspiring indie hacker. Building SourceClub, a place to find content creators.

In this episode, you'll hear about how Rafael taking work-life balance in a unique work environment, the way he keeps up his skills, how he gained his skill in real-world projects, and many more!

We discussed our experience based on a common perspective - working in companies after coming from freelance developer backgrounds.

Rafael's DEV Community blog: https://dev.to/carlosrafael22
Rafael's Twitter: https://twitter.com/c_rafael22
Holidu: https://t.co/N06NlroC2F?amp=1
SourceCloub: https://twitter.com/joinsourceclub
An article by Rafael created our friendship "Articles you may have missed last week but it's worth reading 👍": https://dev.to/carlosrafael22/articles-you-may-have-missed-this-week-but-it-s-worth-reading-4m61

Episode source