On this week's episode, Chris is joined by Ruby Hero Avdi Grimm. They discuss Avdi's history of guiding the Ruby and broader programming communities, his thoughts about where we're at with object-oriented programming, and where he's looking to next for our industry.
This conversation touches on a variety of topics both technical and personal. Avdi shares some of his thinking around where we've failed with our approaches to object-oriented programming and viewing the world as transactional, and instead offers ideas around modeling our systems as processes.
Avdi & Chris also chat about some of Avdi's my recent explorations into the world of JavaScript & React, as well as the growing "resilience engineering" mindset.
- Ruby Rouges Podcast
- Confident Code
- Avdi's Keep Ruby Weird Keynote
- Alan Kay - Creator of Object Oriented Programming
- Actor Model
- Kafka
- Ruby Tapas - Avdi's Weekly Ruby Screencast Series
- Greater Than Code Podcast
- Mastering the Object Oriented Mindset
- Pair Program With Me
- Avdi - Ruby Duck Sessions
- Avdi and Jess stumble through modern web development
- Glitch
- TypeScript
- Chaos Monkey from Netflix
- avdi.codes
Thank you to One Month for sponsoring this episode.