
Career Chats

Create Luck

Being lucky is a skill you can develop. https://www.swyx.io/writing/create_luck/

1. Binary Luck
2. Luck Surface Area: https://www.codusoperandi.com/posts/increasing-your-luck-surface-area
- Fixed vs Growth Mindset: https://www.brainpickings.org/2014/01/29/carol-dweck-mindset/
3. Four Kinds of Luck: https://pmarchive.com/luck_and_the_entrepreneur.html- Active- Accidental- Magnetic (Do something interesting and people will be interested https://twitter.com/dvassallo/status/1256784770387685376)- Prepared4. Habits and Strategy: "Put yourself in luck's way"
- Developer's Guide to Tech Strategy: https://www.swyx.io/writing/dev-guide-to-tech-strategy/

Ask a mentor how they got their "lucky break", and dig a little to see if there was any skill involved in getting there!

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