
The Changelog

Git with your friends

This week we invited our friend Mat Ryer to join us for some good conversation about some Git tooling that’s been on our radar. You may know Mat from Go Time and also Grafana’s Big Tent, which we help to produce. We speculate, we discuss, we laugh, and Mat even breaks into song a few times. It’s good fun.

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Show Notes:

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!


(00:00) - This week on The Changelog
(00:50) - Sponsor: Fly.io
(02:54) - Start the show!
(07:20) - Git-Heat-Map
(20:07) - Git-Sim
(25:42) - git-bug
(36:40) - GitUI
(40:55) - Sponsor: Postman
(42:10) - Does the language tools are written in matter?
(49:27) - Is Rust encroaching on Go?
(50:47) - "Rust Away" by Mat Ryer
(54:10) - git-branchless
(59:36) - How do you Git?
(1:06:48) - "Keyboard Wizards" by Mat Ryer
(1:09:12) - As a VS Code user...
(1:14:53) - Mat has a "pick" to share
(1:21:53) - Unpopular opinions!
(1:24:01) - Adam's unpop
(1:28:26) - Mat's unpop
(1:31:02) - Jerod's unpop
(1:36:41) - It's closing time
(1:38:32) - Outro

Episode source