

73. Clean Architecture – Keeping Your Options Open

Joe drinks too much coffee, Allen spits his coffee out, and Michael feels vindicated as the discussions about Robert C. Martin’s latest book, Clean Architecture, continues.

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Survey Says …

This episode we ask: Is it OK for a site to open links in a new tab/window for you?

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Is it OK for a site to open links in a new tab/window for you?
  • Absolutely. No one's got time for holding extra keys!
  • Yes, but only for links to external sites.
  • Yes, but the site better warn me first.
  • No, nope, never, nuh-uh. That's what CTRL(or CMD)+Click is for!


  • We take a moment to say thanks to those that left us a review:
    • iTunes: mbaumbach, Rawldo, JeremyRose22, Cplyoung, Arbinger, DanMarshall909, AndrewScottVT, __gopher__, feargalwalsh
    • Stitcher: mbaumbach, Madjac, GotSkillsNowGimmieJob
  • TeamCity now comes with 100 configurations instead of just 20. For FREE! (JetBrains Blog)
  • Make your travel plans now to catch Joe presenting at the next Orlando .NET meetup!
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What is Architecture?

  • Makes us think of weighty decisions and deep technical prowess
  • Even though it sounds like an architect is Gandalf the Gray, it’s really still a programmer
  • They still program but also focus on guiding the rest of the team towards better productivity
  • They must continue to program so they can experience the problems / pains the rest of the developers feel
  • Purpose of the shape of software is to facilitate the development, deployment, operation and maintenance of the software itself
    • The strategy should be to leave as many options open as possible, for as long as possible
  • Software architecture is NOT about whether the software works – seems counter intuitive…but….even bad architecture can work
  • There are few, if any behavioral options that architecture can leave open
  • Architecture’s main goal is to support the life cycle of the system


  • Hard to develop software = unhealthy lifetime
  • Typically small teams don’t need to think about architecture because they can work well without drawing lines
    • This is probably why most software systems aren’t architected well – they start out small and then teams / software grow
  • Systems developed by multiple decently sized teams will need some sort of dividing lines / splitting up components
    • Typically this would end up with the same number of teams = same number of components
      • Probably not best for the long term deployment / architecture


  • Software systems should be deployable
  • Software that is more difficult/expensive to deploy is less useful
  • Good architecture means that software can EASILY be deployed with ONE action
  • This is seldom a consideration during the initial phases of a new project
  • Microservices were called to the floor here – typically when microservices are decided upon, folks aren’t thinking about the pain points with deployments, failures, etc


  • When talking about operation, he’s talking about how efficiently the software runs
  • Typically this isn’t taken into too much consideration because it’s cheaper to throw hardware at a problem than throw more resources at development, deployment and maintenance
  • However, a good architecture communicates the operational needs of the system
    • The operational needs will be apparent to the developer


  • Maintenance is the most costly aspect of software
  • Primary reasons: spelunking and risk
    • Exploring to find the best place and best strategy to introduce a change
  • A well thought out architecture greatly reduces these costs / risks

Keeping Options Open

  • Software has two types of value: behavior and structure
  • The structure is what makes it _soft_
  • The key to keeping software _soft_ is by leaving as many options open for as long possible.
  • Options that can be left open are those details that don’t matter. Until they do.
  • All software can be broken down into two themes: policy and details.
    • Its the policy that is the true value of the system.
  • The goal of the architect is to shape the system so that the policy is the most important aspect while making the details irrelevant to the policy
  • The longer you wait to make these decisions, the more informed you’ll be by the time you _need_ to make that decision
  • _A good architect maximizes the number of decisions not made._
  • The last responsible moment: https://blog.codinghorror.com/the-last-responsible-moment/

Wrapping it up

  • Good architects separate the policy from the details so throughly that the policy has no knowledge nor dependency on the details


  • Recap, architect must support use cases/operation, maintenance, development, deployment of the system

Use cases

  • Architecture must support the _intent_ of the system
  • The most important thing architecture can do is to expose that behavior so the INTENT of the system is visible at the architectural level
  • A shopping cart app with good architecture will look like a shopping cart app
  • Use cases should be plainly visible
  • “Screaming Architecture” – The architecture should emphasize it’s purpose, not the framework
  • Frameworks are an implementation detail!


  • Sometimes it can be tempting to rearrange the architecture of a system around processing requriements
  • For example: A high throughput system may need to take great advantage of independent scaling and parralelism
  • Ideally your system will be agnostic to it’s implementation details though, as these requirements could change over time
    * It’s better that your architecture primarily reflect it’s purpose
    * An architecture that properly isolates its components will be easier to change over time as the operational needs change


  • Conway’s law (Wikipedia)
    • “Any organization that designs a system will inevitably produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization’s communication structure.”
  • Goal is to partition the system into isolated, components…so should we arrange our teams that way?
  • A system developed by many teams and concerns must facilitate independent actions


  • The goal is immediate deployment
  • Not a hodgepodge of scripts and ftp – this is achieved by proper partitioning and isolation
  • Was there life before Docker?

Leaving Options Open

  • Good architecture balances these concerns
  • Sounds easy. But the reality is that is hard.
    • Why? Here are the things we don’t know up front:
      • All of the use cases
      • The operational constraints
      • The team structure
      • Deployment requirements
  • Worse, those things _will_ change
  • We’re trying to hit a moving target

Decoupling Layers

  • The goal is to support all necessary use cases…even the ones we don’t know about yet
  • The architect DOES know about the basic intent of the system – apply the Single Responsibility Principle and the Common Closure Principle to isolate functionality, and promote composability
  • The database, query, and schema are technical details that have nothing to do with the business rules or UI – they change at different rates so keep them in separate layers
  • Good starting point: UI, App / Biz Rules, Core Biz Rules, Database

Decoupling Use Cases

  • Use cases are narrow vertical slices that cut through horizontal layers of the system
  • For example: The uses cases for adding an order and deleting an order will likely change for different reasons, at different rates – so why tie them together?
  • Try to keep use cases separated, for example – having a separate UI to delete orders and a separate one to add orders
  • But…what about UX? If it’s common for the user to delete orders and add orders at the same time – why punish them?
  • Great podcast from Eat Sleep Code (Pocket Casts), with Sara Ford (Twitter) talking about how software developers tend to design systems in such a way that it’s easier to work on…but not necessarily easier to use!
  • The benefit is that decoupling the features makes them easier to add and change

Decoupling Mode

  • Having your components divided up into layers makes it easier to scale those layers separately
  • You can add more back-end servers, or more front-end servers as necessary
  • Decoupling what we did for use cases is now aiding our operations!
  • Good architecture is about leaving your options open

Independent Developability and Deployability

  • Horizontal layers make it easier for teams to be organized based on what makes sense for the biz (a la feature, layer, etc)
  • Horizontal layers buy you some deployment flexibilty


  • Architects often fall into the trap of the “fear of duplication”
  • Duplication is generally a bad thing
  • And when there is duplication, we are honor-bound to reduce it
  • But there are different kinds of duplication
    • True duplication – every change to one instance requires the same change to the other instances
    • False or accidental duplication – seems to be duplicated, but changes at different rates and/or for different reasons
  • When separating use cases, there’s a temptation to couple use cases that have similar screens, algorithms, or database queries/schemas
    • Resist the urge to eliminate this duplication until you know that it is true.
    • But don’t get lazy either and simply pass a entire row from the DB straight to the UI. View models are cheap/easy and decouple these layers.

Decoupling Mode (revisited)

  • We can decouple at the many levels: source code, deployment, and execution level.
  • Source control: Packages (changes in one, don’t force a recompile)
  • Deployment level: Similar, but independently deployed
  • Service level: Separated by network, completely independent deployment
  • Which is best? Difficult to know during the early phases of a project.
  • Microservices are (were?) all the rave but service level decoupling is expensive both in terms of dev time and system resources.
  • Uncle Bob’s preference? Push the decoupling to the point where a service _could_ be formed. _Should_ it become necessary. In the meantime, leave it in the same address same for as long as possible.
  • Start at the source code level, but keep things nice and isolated so you could easily split it off
  • Good architecture will allow a system to start as a monolith, and then grow to independently deployable units, and all the way back to monolith if need be down the line.
  • Good architecture protects the majority of the source code from these changes – the decoupling is left open

Resources We Like

  • Clean Architecture by Robert C. Martin (Amazon)
  • Feature Toggles, Package Management and Versioning in Microsoft TFS and VSTS 2017 by Marcel de Vries (Pluralsight)

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