

Episode 22 – Silverlighting through your College Enumeration

Coding Blocks Episode 22 is live! Organizing your code, moving from school-work to work-work, the future of Silverlight, and lots of poo-pooing! News Great testing tool suggestions from Anders Bauman: TDDHelper, NCrunch We had to look up our new year's resolutions - not a good sign! Awesome reviews from punforgettable, Jonno Choo, AdamTheHun, Elistaria, JeramyRR, spitzgoby! On organizing common code - enums and interfaces in their own package? Lots of projects is annoying Separating constants / enums separates them from their context Java interfaces are weird Michael threw up in his ear How many packages are too many packages? Folders and Name Spaces should match, avoid crossing namespace dependencies! On graduating from school work to work work Network! Podcasts, meetups, usergroups, pluralsight Internship and Co-ops Learn FizzBuzz, Be able to talk about things intelligently (design patterns, cloud, programming terminology, meetups ) Reddit / Hackernews constantly, but take everything (even top rated comments) with a grain of salt Join LinkedIn, "friend" everyone, friend me - whatever Start a side project! Google it yourself, ain't nobody got time for that! Worth learning Silverlight? Unfortunately no, it's a dead end In a "mobile first" world, other alternatives include Cordova, Xamarin, Titanium, PhoneGap Resources we like Amazing maze generation! Game Programming Patterns Poopouri Call of Duty vs Halo vs Destiny Smackdown! Tips of the week git add -p [FILE] or git reset -p [FILE] --- Interactively decide which changes to a file to add to a commit. Ionicframework.com, Pluralsight - use Silverlight rather than HTML 5 video player Great books! Joel on Software More Joel on Software Smart and Gets Things Done JavaScript: The Good Parts

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