

Episode 41 – Dev Talk: Django, VB vs C#, and Bash on Windows

This week on Coding Blocks, Joe changes a different kind of string, Allen drools over the Hellcat, and Michael shares his random thoughts. We span a collection of topics including GraphQL framework envy, bash on Windows, and whether it takes two to Django.

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Link to Episode 41’s Full Show Notes

New Poll: Bash on Windows – The next big awesome or Much ado about nothing!
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Bash on Windows
  • The next big awesome?
  • Much ado about nothing?


  • Thanks for the super reviews!
  • To Django or not to Django?
  • How to break into programming?
  • Is it worth learning C# over VB.NET?
  • What’s the best dev laptop for $1,800?
    • Macbook
    • Dell XPS
    • Surface Pro 4

Inside Michael’s Mind

  • Ever just *want* to buy some new hardware? Michael drools over other keyboards for no good reason as he continues typing the lettering off of his Logitech K350. Like the ErgoDox EZ …. oooh.
  • Ever have framework jealousy?
  • Is GraphQL kinda like an Entity Framework for JavaScript? Maybe just kinda like it? Maybe just a little?
    • Visit the Star Wars API example at http://graphql-swapi.parseapp.com/. Here’s a sample query:
      query{ allFilms { edges { node { id, title, episodeID, producers } } } }
  • Why is ReSharper slow? Maybe it’s the key bindings?
  • If your REST api requires the user to download/install/use an SDK, …. are you doing it right?
  • We have a relationships with our code. Some we love. Some we loathe.
  • My Slack invites are better than yours.
  • News SQL server on Linux
  • Reflection is not a dirty word

Tips and Tricks

  • Don’t forget that you can use Visual Studio’s Immediate Window like you would Chrome’s JavaScript Console.
  • Stop using ConfigurationManager to access your configuration settings. Start using Settings instead to have typed settings. To set it up:
    1. Go to your project properties and then the Settings tab.
    2. Click on “This project does not contain a default settings file. Click here to create one.”
    3. Magic happens. Well, really just some Settings.* files are created for you.
    4. In the opened grid, enter your configuration settings.
    5. In your code, instead of doing ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[“some_config_key”] (or WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings[“some_config_key”]), instead just do Settings.Default.some_config_key.
    6. BAM! And it’s typed!
  • When to use WITH RECOMPILE in SQL
  • Give Hello Tech Podcast a listen: http://hellotechpros.com/ Motivation, Productivity, Leadership, Technology, People, Entrepreneurship and Getting Unplugged

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Episode source