

Episode 57 – How We Badly Built Stuff

This week we talk about all of the bad things we’ve done while making software. The good, the bad, … oh wait, it compiles, never mind.

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This episode’s survey asks: How fast is your _personal_ Internet connection?

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How fast is your _personal_ Internet connection?
  • Less than 5 Mbps (I <3 DSL)
  • <= 25 Mbps
  • <= 50 Mbps
  • <= 75 Mbps
  • <= 100 Mbps
  • > 100 Mbps
  • 1 Gbps (Fiber FTW.)


  • A big thank you to everyone that left us a review!
    • iTunes reviews: Rjtman, Rhodekill19, Jon Hrovat, Kelyn, Bart Bucknill, Barok73, RaithlinSA
    • Stitcher reviews: Schnargles, Humble Coder, Lunchbag, charvell, brokenjava, Bairdley, Yarbius
  • Allen stumbled upon a review for the MyDigitalSSD BPX, a much more affordable NVMe SSD (available at Amazon).
  • Allen has paused on the Hackintosh buid.
  • Allen is speaking at the Atlanta JavaScript Meetup, March 27, 2017. Join us there.
  • Joe is moving to Orlando!
  • New videos published to YouTube.
  • Give the 7DRL Challenge a go.


You like stickers, right? Of course you do. And we’d like to give you some of our amazing stickers. Head to http://www.codingblocks.net/swag for more information.

Things We Discussed

  • Database first approach
  • Popular frameworks/platforms
  • The three types of development: services, application/product, and line of business application
  • Declarative vs Procedural
  • Pitfalls of the database first approach
  • Are ORMs a pitfall? Do they promote a lack of boundaries?
  • The Lord of the Rings problem
    • … one database to rule them all
    • … or one ORM to rule them all
  • The repository pattern
  • What can we learn from the Linux architecture
  • So, where do YOU start?
    • DB? UI?
  • Pitfalls of the code first approach
  • Don’t worry about scale unless you actually need it
  • SPAs vs web pages
    • We went too far with SPAs
    • jQuery was the golden age?
    • Or should DOM Manipulation die?
    • Ah, the days of frames and iframes
  • Domain Driven Design
  • Onion Architecture
  • Microservices
  • John Deere … wait, what?
  • Treat yourself to a new video card. Specifically, the EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 (available at Amazon).

Resources We Like

We seem to mention the MVP a lot. Get your copy of The Lean Startup (available at Amazon) to learn more.

Tip of the Week

Tell Everyone About This Show

So, what do you think of the show? We hope you’re enjoying. In fact, we hope you’re enjoying it so much, you’ll help us out by spreading the word. Yeah, that’s right. Tell a friend. Or three. You know what? It’s actually not a requirement that the person you tell actually be a friend.

And by the way, we’ll be forever grateful if you’ll leave us a review. Head to http://www.codingblocks.net/review to learn more.

Episode source