
Coffee with Butterscotch: A Gamedev Comedy Podcast

[Ep146] Double Neutron Star

Buckle up, Shenanites! In this week’s episode, we talk about lubing up your ABS, how to frustrate squirrels, and why group projects are the worst. Are ballet dancers just traveling burrito magicians? When should you downgrade your baby to river rocks? This is gonna get zany. Questions answered (abbreviated): - Gerf99: Any tips to keep people excited and focused on creating rather than procrastinating? - Farseer: Butt-erscotch, A-S-S brothers, Rump-us. Everything comes back to your backsides, so who has the best butt? Any hilarious butt related stories? Regarding above question, I have "arse" in my name, I'm qualified. - cctechwiz: How do you go about setting expectations and getting (willing) support from those around you to devote so much of your time to working on what you love? Do you ever struggle with balancing family time and taking time to sharpen your skill sets? - Angrymuffin: In episode 17 Seth, you went to Chipotle and got a tardis burrito. Have you seen this any other times? Have you gotten one yourself or even tested the limits of how much can fit in a tardis burrito? What is your favorite stuff to put in a burrito? - Aviox: Are any of you owners of VR hardware? What is your opinion on the current tech and experience? - BlondeViking91: Your bit on ethics in player-made content brought up my head of publishing's affirmation that 'time to penis' is a very real, measurable phenomenon with any shared player input, starting even with usernames. We make social mobile games and suffer for it! - ohnoimdead: You never published the Crashlands editor for fear of toxic culture (and penises everywhere), however, you have now made a game that is half editor. How are you going to screen for penises (not just naughty language)? To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts(apple.co/1LxNEnk). If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at discord.gg/bscotch and say hello! Submit questions at http://podcast.bscotch.net, disclose all of your secrets at podcast@bscotch.net and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to http://bit.ly/bscotchmailbox.

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