
Coffee with Butterscotch: A Gamedev Comedy Podcast

[Ep176] Corn Operated Society

Hi again, Shenanites! Welcome to another episode of tangents with some game devs! This week, we talk about ghost hugs, PR nightmares, and arbitrary rules. We also got you covered with a small flood of video questions. In other news, Crashlands is coming out for the Switch tomorrow (Nov 8th)! Boot up the game and grab a couch buddy, and you can explore Woanope together! That’s some joy con math everyone can get behind. Questions answered (abbreviated): - Angrymuffin: What will happen with question asking when you migrate the podcast page over to Rumpus? Will we have a way on the podcast page to have a nickname on top of our duskwatcher alias? - imcade: Are there unwritten rules you as brothers have that may be silly to outsiders? - coolaboola: I don't have a heist team to break in to the $550 GDC vault. Any chance you can post your speeches on the blog? - audioneptune32: Will we ever get a 6th episode of Bscotch University? - PeanutEanut: When is the next BS University coming out? Can you do one on infinite world generation like you have in Roid Rage or even Crashlands? - Mennalus: Where's that Perlin Noise endless world dev tutorial I've been waiting for? - TimConceivable: Have you considered doing more advanced Gamemaker tutorials? To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts (apple.co/1LxNEnk). If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at discord.gg/bscotch and say hello! Submit questions at http://podcast.bscotch.net, disclose all of your secrets to podcast@bscotch.net, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to http://bit.ly/bscotchmailbox. Finally, if you’d like to support the show and buy some coffee FOR Butterscotch, head over to http://moneygrab.bscotch.net.

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