

Functional Programming Interview: Domain Driven Design meets Functional Programming

In object oriented languages, modeling a complex problem domain is a well understood process.  Books like Domain Driven Design contain techniques for breaking down a problem domain and earlier books like the gang of four book catalogue design patterns for modeling these domains in an object oriented way.

In today’s interview Debashish Ghosh explains how to model a complex problem domain in a functional paradigm.  His solution focuses on modelling the behaviour of the software system rather than nouns it will contain.  He also focuses on an algebraic approach to api design and discusses how abstract algebra provides tools for building better software.

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Episode Transcript

“I first come up with what I call the algebra of the behaviors. The algebra of the behaviors refers to the basic contract, which the behavior is supposed to support, which the behavior is supposed to honor. So that's the algebra.” -Debashish Ghosh


Debashish's Book

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