
Data Science at Home

Batteries and AI in Automotive (Ep. 193)

In this episode my friend and I speak about AI, batteries and automotive. Dennis Berner, founder of Digitlabs has been operating in the field of automotive and batteries for a long time. His point of views are absolutely a must to listen to. Below a list of the links he mentioned in the show.

  1. https://amethix.com
  2. https://digitlabs.com
  3. https://www.moia.io
  4. https://www.elli.eco
  5. https://www.uber.com
  6. https://www.didiglobal.com/
  7. https://waymo.com/
  8. https://group.mercedes-benz.com/
  9. https://www.fakultaet73.de
  10. https://www.bmw.de
  11. https://www.volkswagen.de
  12. https://cariad.technology/


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