
Developer on Fire

Episode 065 | Kathleen Dollard - Relentless Dedication

Kathleen Dollard talks with Dave Rael about being a leader, rewards of educating, and passionate dedication

Kathleen Dollard wants to teach you to code better. She wants to teach you more about the tools you use every day and the tools you aren’t yet using. Coding is her passion and debugging is her challenge - you’ll be happier if you do both better. Kathleen has written dozens of articles, spoken at conferences and user groups around the world, and pushes Microsoft to respond to your real world needs as a long time MVP. She is the Director of Engineering at Real in Denver (engageReal.com). She also has courses in the Pluralsight library and the library at WintellectNOW.

Kathleen's book recommendation:
Kathleen's top 3 tips for delivering more value:

1. "Read the mail" - actually receive communication and know what they are communcating - listen rather than waiting for your turn to talk
2. Celebrate the growing skillsets of others
3. Express your full humanity in your profession and don't confine yourself to traditional gender roles

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