
Developer on Fire

Episode 312 | Chris DeMars - Doing Something with His Life

Chris DeMars talks with Dave Rael about community involvement, JavaScript pain, creating awesome user experiences, and overcoming obstacles

Chris DeMars is a UI developer first, UX architect always, working out of Detroit, Michigan. Chris is also an instructor, teacher assistant, and volunteer for the Ann Arbor chapter of Girl Develop It and co-organizer for the Ann Arbor Accessibiity Group. Chris loves coming up with solutions for enterprise applications, which include modular CSS architectures, performance, and advocating for web accessibility. When he is not working on making the web great and inclusive you can find him writing blog posts, watching horror movies, drinking the finest of beers, or in the woods of northern Michigan.

Chris's top 3 tips for delivering more value:
  1. Separate passion from emotion
  2. Be friendly to everybody
  3. Get involved in the community

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