
Developer on Fire

Episode 322 | Ken Versaw and Dave Fancher - Software Trends

Ken Versaw and Dave Fancher talk with Dave Rael about software trends, what to expect in the future of software, and the Indy Code conference coming in April 2018

Ken Versaw is a co-founder and CEO of Amegala, an organization dedicated to creating high-quality, community-focused training and networking opportunities for software development professionals. Dave Fancher is the owner of Achiiv Solutions, LLC in Carmel, Indiana, a three-time Microsoft MVP, author of The Book of F# from No Starch Press,Pluralsight author, and InfoQ contributor. He has been building software for more than a decade with an emphasis on Microsoft technologies. Dave is active within the software development community and has spoken at numerous events throughout the United States. When not writing code or writing about code he enjoys spending time with his family, watching movies, and gaming on his Xbox One.

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Anil Patel

nice post keep it up