
Developer on Fire

Episode 367 | Gaines Kergosien - Surrounded by Excellence

Gaines Kergosien talks with Dave Rael about organizing events, rewarding interactions, community, and getting involved

Gaines Kergosien is an associate director at UBS, organizer of Music City Code conference, Microsoft MVP, and serves as board member for the Nashville Technology Council and Nashville .NET User Group. He also presents at software development conferences throughout the United States. With over 15 years in solutions development, his work includes consulting for such companies as Bridgestone, Deloitte, Hospital Corporation of America (HCA), American General (AIG), Lexis Nexis, Gibson Guitars, and Cardinal Healthcare.

Gaines's book recommendation:
Gaines's top 3 tips for delivering more value:
  1. Listen
  2. Ask for assistance
  3. Measure the value you create

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