
Developer on Fire

Episode 387 | Dru Sellers - A Curious Mind

Dru Sellers talks with Dave Rael about being self-taught, involvement in open source, meeting friends, and delivering value

Dru enjoys exploring the intersection of business and technology. Its not uncommon to find Dru's nose buried in either a Business or Technology book while taking notes about how this can be leveraged into novel business value. Dru is the VP of Operations at One More Cloud (OMC), a company that provides hosted search for its customers on either Solr (https://www.websolr.com) or Elasticsearch (https://bonsai.io). He gets to express his technologist side by helping maintain OMC's server fleet and he get's to express his business side assisting with sales and keeping tabs on the company's financials.

Dru's top 3 tips for delivering more value:
  1. Ask "What can I do for you today?"
  2. Know what you're good and bad at doing and work with your strengths
  3. Read or do more of whatever it is facilitates you learning best

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