
Developer Tea

Setting Better Problem Solving Parameters

Today's Episode is Brought To You By: WooCommerce

WooCommerce is an open source eCommerce solution, built on WordPress. With WooCommerce you can sell physical products, digital downloads, subscriptions, memberships, services, and tickets - plus offer flexible ways to pay, including Apple Pay and Bitcoin powered by Stripe.

AND NOW, If you are a developer interested in building and selling extensions, a great way to earn extra income or even build out a whole business, they have some good news: the WooCommerce.com marketplace is open submissions! Learn more about how to submit your extension to Woo’s official marketplace at https://woocommerce.com/develop-woocommerce/

They're giving Developer Tea listeners 20% off purchases when you use promo code DEVELOPERTEA at WooCommerce.com/developertea (offer lasts until end March 2018)

Jon's Cup of Tea - Don't forget to check out Mad Monk Tea! Remember the code "Developer Tea" will get you 15% off your order.

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