
Software Developer's Journey

#51 Ben Orenstein advises us not to worry too much

Ben Orenstein first talked about being able to create products. We spoke about Ben's early programs and his attempt at studying in college. We then spoke about his second attempt at entering the IT industry, through the backdoor this time. Ben told us about his discovery of Ruby and joining Thoughbot. He told us about why sharing knowledge is important to him. We then touched on public speaking and the two podcasts he hosted during his career. We finally switched gears and talked about product development.

Ben spent the last years working at Thoughtbot in Boston, where he and his colleagues obsessed about code quality and keeping shipping-speed high. You might remember Thoughtbot from the last episode with Saron Yitbarek. This is where Saron did her apprenticeship. There, Ben co-created the Upcase course, one of many products Ben has created. Ben is the author ofthe "Refactoring Rails" course, the "CodeQualityChallenge", "Trailmix" and "Briefs" products. He currently is building "Tuple", a tool for remote pair-programming. Thus it is not surprising to hear that he is also the host of "the Art of Product Podcast".

Here are the links of the show:


Your host

Software Developer‘s Journey is hosted and produced by Timothée (Tim) Bourguignon, a crazy frenchman living in Germany who dedicated his life to helping others learn & grow. More about him at timbourguignon.fr.

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