
Duck Tapes

Scott Tolinski Mix

This week, Scott Tolinski hops in to the duck pond to discuss break dancing, working for Ford, working for himself, among a variety of other topics.

Follow Scott on Twitter and Instagram @stolinski

Here are some links to things references in the episode:

Level Up Tutorials  https://www.leveluptutorials.com

Scott's 90s playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/42tTDR1B1NbAWihMnxEQ6n?si=Cn-YN-FPTK23AH7llQwTRQ

Scott's favorite breaking battle - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joG8XsnWlKY

Scott's favorite popping battle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QyNivouC7E

Locking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AifQ64khhY4

Radiohead making you wonder why you even bother waking up in the morning https://youtu.be/HDS4wOd_o1I

Episode source