
Flying High With Flutter

Buzz - Flying High with Flutter #97

Hi everyone! We had a great time with Bart Selwesiuk and Rafael Ortiz Zableh. Bart & Rafael are both Flutter Developers at BUZZ, a menu bar app that keeps everything from pull requests to calendar events in one place for a quick overview, fast access, and zero context switching. Check out the episode.


On the show:

🎙️ Host: Allen Wyma • https://twitter.com/allenwyma

🎙️ Guest: Bart Selwesiuk • https://twitter.com/bselwesiuk

🎙️ Guest: Rafael Ortiz Zableh • https://twitter.com/ortizzableh

#apps #web #developer #software #podcast #flutter #fullstack #fullstackwebdeveloper #programming #code #coding #allenwyma #bigc #plangora #flyinghighwithflutter

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