
Friends That Code

12 - Why remote work is important for everyone and big hats at meetups with Michele Cynowicz

Engineer, Developer, Community organizer, Frontend Fox, Conference Speaker, Girl Scout Volunteer, Remote Work Advocate and owner of one seriously badass pirate hat… Ladies and gentlemen, today’s guest is Michele Cynowicz!

Frontend Foxes: https://www.frontendfoxes.org

Michele’s Twitter (pirate hat in profile photo): https://twitter.com/michelecynowicz


DevFest Florida 2019 Talk: Shifting to Vue:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWQTbb6rmwI

Thundernerds appearance at VueConf US 2019: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrYcGXqyFZE&feature=emb_title

Episode source