
Friends That Code

27 - How to learn by teaching with Nate Ebel

Developer, Instructor, Teacher, Author, Conference Speaker, Google Developer Expert, YouTuber, Podcaster and man with a voice totally suited for crime solving serial podcasts… Ladies and gentlemen, today’s guest is Nate Eble.

Oh btw, in the podcast I say OpenCV is Open Computer View. It's actually Open Source Computer Vision. Apologies for the mix-up folks! It was an off day for me.

Goobar - goobar.io

Goobar on YouTube - youtube.com/goobar

Goobar Podcast - goobar.buzzsprout.com

OpenCV - opencv.org

360AnDev Conference: 360andev.com

Mastering Kotlin - amzn.to/35nF0vu 

Kotlin First – Taking Full Advantage of Kotlin For Android Development - 360andev.com/session-recordings/?vimeography_gallery=3&vimeography_video=444346415

Episode source