
Front End Happy Hour

Episode 001 - The state of web development

For our very first episode of the Front End Happy Hour podcast, we have our panelists (Augustus Yuan, Derrick Showers, Jem Young, Ryan Anklam and Ryan Burgess) discuss their opinions on the Medium article posted in early January, titled "The Sad State of Web Development", written by Drew Hamlett. The panel shares their thoughts on front end tools and how they view the current state of web development.

Items mentioned in the episode:
Gulp, Grunt, Broccoli JS, npm, Babel, Sass, PostCSS, React, Ember, Angular

Augustus Yuan - @augburto
Derrick Showers - @derrickshowers
Jem Young - @JemYoung
Ryan Anklam - @bittersweetryan
Ryan Burgess - @burgessdryan

Ryan Burgess - Viking & Lumberjack Series
Ryan Burgess - O’Reilly Fluent Conference
Ryan Anklam - frinkiac.com
Ryan Anklam - Red Rising Trilogy
Jem Young - Syntax Con
Jem Young - Planet Money
Jem Young - MacBook Selfie Stick
Derrick Showers - Let’s Encrypt
Derrick Showers - Product Hunt
Augustus Yuan - Github Scientist

Episode source