
Front End Happy Hour

Episode 011 - Transpilers - slow down and drink

Leveraging transpilers is extremely helpful in allowing us to extend the JavaScript language in ways JavaScript engines cannot. There are a lot of amazing transpilers available in the JavaScript community and we all love transpilers, but there are things developers should be aware of when we’re using transpilers.

Items mentioned in the episode:
Babel, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Traceur, Sass, Less, Stylus, Chrome V8, Firefox SpiderMonkey, IE Chakra, TC39 Committee, React CLI, ClojureScript, Ohm, CodePen, Racket, Erlang

Ryan Burgess - @burgessdryan
Augustus Yuan - @augburto
Jem Young - @JemYoung
Derrick Showers - @derrickshowers
Ryan Anklam - @bittersweetryan
Brian Holt - @holtbt
Sarah Federman - @sarah_federman

Ryan Burgess - Stranger Things
Ryan Burgess - Jem Young - Transpilers: not so fast my friend - Empire JS
Augustus Yuan - Github Go to Definition Chrome Extension
Augustus Yuan - StackOverflow’s Documentation Beta
Jem Young - Explosions in the Sky - The Wilderness
Jem Young - Digital Ocean
Derrick Showers - Babel Try It Out
Derrick Showers - Google Inbox
Ryan Anklam - Google Keep
Ryan Anklam - Wafia - Heartburn Felix Cartel Remix
Brian Holt - HyperTerm
Brian Holt - Visual Studio Code
Sarah Federman - Elle - Women in Tech 2016
Sarah Federman - Less: The World’s Most Misunderstood CSS Pre-processor*

Episode source