
Front End Happy Hour

Episode 013 - Drinking in the present to learn future JavaScript

In episode 13 of the Front End Happy Hour podcast, we’re joined by Jafar Husain from Netflix to talk with us about the future of JavaScript. Jafar is part of the TC-39 committee that helps determine the future specs of ECMAScript. Jafar shares a lot of interesting insights into how the committee works and how a feature makes it's way into the spec. Jafar also talks to us about Observables and cancellable promises.

Items mentioned in the episode:
TC-39, ECMAScript, Iterators and Generators, Proxies, Observables, Promises, Evan Czaplicki, Yehuda Katz, Rust Language, TypeScript, Elm Language, PureScript, Flow, Jay Phelps, LazyDOM, Tracy Lee

Jafar Husain - @jhusain

Ryan Burgess - @burgessdryan
Jem Young - @JemYoung
Derrick Showers - @derrickshowers
Brian Holt - @holtbt

Jafar Husain - Idris Language
Ryan Burgess - Status, process, and documents for ECMA262
Ryan Burgess - Octomore Scotch 07.1
Jem Young - Morbotron
Jem Young - Full Stack Toronto
Derrick Showers - Glimmer 2 Deep Dive
Derrick Showers - Rogue varieties
Brian Holt - I Really Like Angular 2 - Trailer for The Jeff Cross Show on Modern Web feat Jafar Husain
Brian Holt - Modern Web Podcast

Episode source