
Front End Happy Hour

Episode 014 - Hangovers and hotels: engineer conferences

Conferences continue to be a great way to learn and grow as an engineer. In the 14th episode of the Front End Happy Hour podcast we discuss the value of conferences and why you might want to attend. It’s a special episode because we recorded at React Rally in Salt Lake City. At the conference we caught up with a lot of great attendees and speakers to hear about their experiences at conferences and the benefits for attending.

Items mentioned in the episode:
React Rally, Fluent Conference, Scotland JS, FITC, Adobe Max, Jamison Dance, Matt Zabriskie, React JS, Pete Hunt, Stranger Things, Xoxo, Recruiter episode

Tasha Alfano - @TashAlfano
Sumana Mohan - @sumana_mohan
Henry Zhu - @left_pad
Ryan Wachholz - @https://github.com/wachie
Quinn Daniels - @https://github.com/aqdaniels
Hani Ahir - @HaniAhir
Albert Toledo - @toledoalbert
Brian Tice - @BrianTice99

Ryan Burgess - @burgessdryan
Jem Young - @JemYoung
Ryan Anklam - @bittersweetryan

Ryan Burgess - V-moda m-100 headphones
Ryan Burgess - Deadmau5 Stranger Things Cover
Jem Young - Emojipedia
Jem Young - Tron Legacy Reconfigured
Ryan Anklam - Disclosure - You & Me - Flume remix
Ryan Anklam - Zamst Knee Brace

Episode source