
Front End Happy Hour

Episode 031 - A flaming shot of burnout

Burnout is not a rare phenomenon that engineers deal with. In this episode, we talk about the ways we’ve been affected by burnout and how we’ve dealt with it. We discuss past experiences that have created burnout for us and ways we can prevent it from happening in the future.

Items mentioned in the episode:
Twitter, Trello, Headspace, Fitbit, Apple Watch, Slack, Netflix

Ryan Burgess - @burgessdryan
Augustus Yuan - @augburto
Ryan Anklam - @bittersweetryan
Brian Holt - @holtbt
Stacy London - @stacylondoner

Ryan Burgess - Rove
Ryan Burgess - Charles Proxy
Ryan Burgess - React Native
Augustus Yuan - Periscopic.com
Augustus Yuan - System Design Primer
Ryan Anklam - Hacking Node Seralize
Ryan Anklam - Rocket
Brian Holt - Horizon Zero Dawn
Stacy London - Spindrift by Colin Stetson
Stacy London - It's not how many hours of sleep you get...

Episode source