
Front End Happy Hour

Episode 114 - Remote interviewing - drinking on video calls

When you can’t interview in person, we are forced to interview over video calls. In this episode, we are joined by Bianca Bortolussi, and Jen Pi to talk with us about what it’s like to interview for a new role during these covid times.

Bianca Bortolussi - @biancabmorey
Jen Pi

Ryan Burgess - @burgessdryan
Jem Young - @JemYoung

Bianca Bortolussi - Polymer Clay earrings
Jen Pi - My Octopus Teacher
Jen Pi - Robin Sharma - The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
Jen Pi - Robin Sharma - The 5am Club
Ryan Burgess - AMPLIFI Alien
Ryan Burgess - The American Barbecue Showdown
Jem Young - It is as if you were doing work
Jem Young - The Boys season 2

Episode source