
Frontend House

What's new in the front end? New libraries releases - Frontend News #2 | frontendhouse.com

Watch the second episode of Frontend News - the podcast about tech and front end innovations. Every 2nd week we will deliver a portion of fresh insights and news. In today’s Frontend News:

Upcoming EA2021 release https://github.com/tc39/proposals/blob/master/finished-proposals.md
TypeScript 4.2 Beta https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-4-2-beta/
DevTools for Chrome 89
Node.js 15.6 and npm 7.4.2 arrived https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v15.6.0/
Upcoming frontend conferences 2021
11:40 Nodejs congress https://nodecongress.com/
12:32 VueJS Amsterdam https://vuejs.amsterdam/
12:55 JS World Conference https://frontenddeveloperlove.com/
13:36 JS World Conference. https://frontenddeveloperlove.com/
13:44 React Summit https://reactsummit.com/sponsors/
Curated project of the week: https://ballerina-dance.com/
Tips and Tricks: compress.js library https://www.npmjs.com/package/compress.js

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