
Functional Geekery

Functional Geekery Episode 82 - Mohit Thatte

In this episode I talk with Mohit Thatte. We talk his introduction to software, path to Clojure, building a community, putting on a conference, what keeps him excited about Clojure, and more.

Our Guest, Mohit Thatte

@mohitthatte on Twitter
@mohitthatte on Medium
@in_clojure on Twitter


Lambda Days will be taking place again on the 9th and 10th of February 2017. Visit www.lambdadays.org to submit your talk and keep updated as more information becomes available.

Kats Conf 2 will be taking place in Dublin, Ireland on the 18th of February. Visit http://www.katsconf.com/ to register and for more information.

ClojureD will be taking place on the 25th of February, 2017, in Berlin, Germany. Visit www.clojured.de to get tickets and keep updated as more information becomes available.

BOB Konf is taking place the 24th of February 2017 in Berlin, Germany. Visit www.bobkonf.de for more information about the conference.

ElixirDaze is coming up on March 2nd and 3rd. With keynotes by Prag Dave Thomas and Saša Jurić, make sure to visit www.elixirdaze.com for more information and to register.

Destination Code, a new unconference starting in Utah, is having its inaugural event March 27-30th, 2017. Visit http://www.destination.codes/ to find out more.

Erlang & Elixir Factory 2017 is on the 23rd and 24th of March. Visit www.erlang-factory.com/sfbay2017 for more information.

flatMap(Oslo) is a FP-conference with focus on Scala and the JVM, taking place on May 2nd and 3rd in Oslo, Norway. Please go to http://2017.flatmap.no/cfp/ to learn more.

Elm Europe will be taking place June 8th and 9th in Paris, France. Visit http://elmeurope.org/ for more information and to register.

If you have a conference related to functional programming, contact me, and I will be happy to announce it.

Topics [@4:41]

About Mohit
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Bangalore Clojure User Group
Pune Clojure User Group
How Mohit got into software development
What clicked with Mohit about SICP
Test Driven Development
Pair programming
`Lambda`s and `Proc`s in Ruby
Why the Lucky Stiff
Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby
Mohit’s transition to picking up Clojure
Baishampayan Ghose (BG)
Project Euler
Proctor’s sidebar to thank BG for Planet Clojure
clojurians Slack
What Mohit loves about Clojure
Rich Hickey’s keynotes year after year
Chris Ford’s Leipzig
Sam Aaron’s Overtone
Making Machines that Make Music – Srihari Sriraman
What Mohit tends to avoid in Clojure
Joy of Cloure‘s quote of “First rule of macros, is don’t use macros”
Mohit’s EuroClojure 2015 talk What Lies Beneath
Deciding to put on a conference
RubyConf India
Difference between starting a user group vs conference
Talking to corporations about sponsoring as a feel for if the time is right for a conference
Overview of IN/Clojure
“It should feel like a local meetup group”
“Being at the conference is more about the interactions you have during the down times”
What the vision of IN/Clojure 2017 might look like at this point
clojurians Slack
What about Clojure is getting Mohit excited today
Generative Testing
Generative Testing for resiliency
Reid Draper on Episode 6 talking test.check
clojure.spec high level overview
Functional Conf in India
Opportunity Grants available for IN/Clojure

As always, a giant Thank You goes to David Belcher for the logo design.

Episode source