
We Belong Here: Lessons from Unconventional Paths to Tech

21. Elyse Segebart: Conquering Life's Obstacles and Following Your Dreams

Elyse Segebart is an artist by nature but took the plunge into tech at 27. She's a mobile application developer finishing her degree at Capella University where she is studying software development, is graduating September of 2020. She aspires to work fully remote in the future. She lives in the heartland with her boyfriend and is a role model for his 8-year-old daughter. 

Content Warning

Elyse advocates for women in traumatic and abusive situations having overcome these situations herself. Our conversation today covers topics on addiction, domestic abuse, and issues of mental health. She brings her whole self to our conversation and shares both encouragement and advice to those facing abuse and trauma. She speaks of how she overcame the obstacles that stood in her way and encourages those who similarly hope to follow their dreams of succeeding in the tech industry. She wants to help other women who have been in similar situations to know that there is a way out. She is your cheerleader and champion and this episode is genuinely not one to miss! 


Mom’s in Tech Slack group

CodeNewbie podcast 

Getting Apps Done podcast

Follow Elyse on Twitter @elyseis12

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