
Legacy Code Rocks!

Communication Debt with Andrea Goulet

As menders working with legacy code, we are focused on identifying and reducing technical debt. But how much easier this task would be if the creator of the code or the previous maintainer left us some breadcrumbs to follow? A simple note on the rationale for a particular decision they have made or a warning about interconnected lines of code would take us a long way! Today we talk with Andrea Goulet, co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Corgibytes. Her empathy-driven approach to software development earned her recognition as one of the Top Ten Professionals in Software Under 35 by LinkedIn. She tells us about this lack of communication in software development, the phenomenon she calls the communication debt, and how its reduction can make the software more robust and its maintenance more efficient. When you finish listening to the episode, connect with Andrea via LinkedIn, contact her via Corgibytes' website, and check out her LinkedIn courses: Agile Software Development: Remote Teams and Creating an Agile Culture

Mentioned in this episode:

Andrea on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreamgoulet/ 

Andrea on Twitter at https://twitter.com/andreagoulet 

Corgibytes website at https://corgibytes.com 

Andrea Goulet, Agile Software Development: Remote Teams at https://www.linkedin.com/learning/agile-software-development-remote-teams 

Andrea Goulet, Creating an Agile Culture at https://www.linkedin.com/learning/agile-software-development-creating-an-agile-culture 


Changelog podcast with Katrina Owen at https://changelog.com/podcast/108 

Katrina Owen, Exorcism.io at https://exercism.io 

Indi Young, Practical Empathy at https://amzn.to/3jkDlLH*

Legacy Code Rocks with Indi Young at https://www.legacycode.rocks/podcast-1/episode/270edc0e/practical-empathy-with-indi-young

Ward Cunningham on technical debt at https://youtu.be/pqeJFYwnkjE

Legacy Code Rocks with Arlo Belshee at https://www.legacycode.rocks/podcast-1/episode/c240c45d/naming-with-arlo-belshee

Daniel Kahneman, Thinking Fast and Slow at https://amzn.to/3kceRW3*

Legacy Code Rocks with Cyrille Martraire at https://www.legacycode.rocks/podcast-1/episode/2fd0fdeb/living-documentation-with-cyrille-martraire 

Cyrille Martraire, Living Documentation at https://amzn.to/3kd2J7e*

* Heads up! If you purchase a book through the links above, we will get a small commission which helps us continue to bring quality content to our Legacy Code Rocks! community. You won’t pay a penny more, we receive a small kickback, and you’re supporting our friends who wrote them. Everybody wins!

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