
Minified: Web Dev News

Gettin' Lit with 3.0: A Code Fiesta Where IE11 Ain’t Invited!

In this episode, we talk about Solid v1.8.0, Electron 27.0.0, Lit 3.0, and Stylex - a new and interesting CSS-in-JS library. Stay tuned!

Disclaimer: We apologize for the audio quality in this episode, as we are on a business trip throughout the United States. This has posed some additional difficulties during the recording process.

Links from the episode:
Solid v1.8.0 - Bitefrost: https://github.com/solidjs/solid/releases/tag/v1.8.0
Electron 27.0.0: https://www.electronjs.org/blog/electron-27-0
Stylex: https://stylex-docusaurus.vercel.app/docs/
Lit 3.0: https://lit.dev/blog/2023-10-10-lit-3.0/#lit-3.0

Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter @Nuallian.
Edited by Michal Fecko

Powered by Sudolabs: https://sudolabs.com/

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