
Minified: Web Dev News

S2E15: Captcha is dead, long live Captcha

In this episode, we talk about Turnstile, an alternative to Captcha from Cloudfront. We also go into TypeScript’s 4.9 Beta version, React Flow 11, and mention some interesting upcoming conferences. Stay tuned!

Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter @Nuallian.

Co-written by Tomáš Varga & Erik Kandalík
Edited by Michal Fecko

Announcing Turnstile: https://blog.cloudflare.com/turnstile-private-captcha-alternative
TypeScript 4.9 Beta: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-4-9-beta/
React Flow 11 Release: https://reactflow.dev/blog/react-flow-v11
ViteConf: https://viteconf.org/
Next.js conf: https://nextjs.org/conf
Jamstack conf: https://jamstack.org/conf

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