
Real-World Serverless

#69: Teaching the world about Serverless with Sam Williams

In this episode, I spoke with Sam Williams, who runs the Complete Coding YouTube channel where he teaches about AWS and Serverless. He recently published a new video course called "Master AWS Serverless with 7 Real World Projects" and shared some helpful tips on picking the right course and how you can get the most from these courses.

Sam is also a serverless consultant and has helped many startups adopt serverless technologies successfully. We also discussed why it's a no-brainer for startups to choose serverless over containers nowadays!

Links from the episode:

For more stories about real-world use of serverless technologies, please follow us on Twitter as @RealWorldSls and subscribe to this podcast.

Want to step up your AWS game and learn how to build production-ready serverless applications? Check out my upcoming workshops and I will teach you everything I know.

Opening theme song:
Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3495-cheery-monday
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0

Episode source