
Shop Talk Show

201: With Alejandra Luaces


The internet’s favorite mouthblog podcast is back and we’re chatting with Alejandra Luaces who recently started at Mailchimp as the Mobile Operations Manager. Besides web stuff, you’ll also learn how to escape alligator attacks.

Q & A

  • 45:48 I recently started studying towards a Microsoft certification but I just wanted to see if you had any tips – especially around how many new things you can reasonably expect in, say, a year?
  • 50:45 I am still undecided about the use of webfoot in the body copy. To date I am still using web safe super readable fonts, arial, Verdana, Tahoma etc. As with everything web this improving all the time but what your thoughts?
  • 52:50 What apps, if any, do you use to manage tasks that you need to complete in your projects and why?



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