
Shop Talk Show

311: Dev Confessionals

Show Description

We start the episode off with some dev confessionals before getting into your questions about counting KBs, removing outlines from tabIndex, Dave going Windows, Keystone JS as the CMS, how to assess new tools, the best way to fill out a portfolio, and hosting websites on AWS.


FullStory captures every customer session on your site and replays it like a DVR, complete with the JavaScript console log and all underlying code. That means when you get assigned a task, you have instant access to:

- The customer’s browser and OS information, freeing you from having to ask more questions before digging in
- Their path through the site, showing you the precise course of events that led to the issue
- The exact state of the code at the time the bug happened, so you can look under the hood and see what broke down

Give it a try with a free 30-day trial (no CC required) at [fullstory.com/shoptalk](https://synd.co/2IhUkAg).


This episode of Shoptalk brought to you by something really cool. It’s an alternative to .com, it is the .design domain name. So if you’re a designer and you’ve thought of a sweet name for your website and it isn’t available under .com, check out .design. Chances are the domain name you want is waiting for you. Head to [www.porkbun.com](https://synd.co/2vuKfKz) and use the coupon code “SHOPTALK” on the checkout page to get your free .design domain name for your website.

Episode source