This episode completes our introduction to the three ways of DevOps. The previous two episodes introduced flow and feedback. Flow, the first way, establishes fast left to right flow from development to production. Feedback, the second way of DevOps, establishes right to left feedback from production to development, so using the state of production informs development decisions. The Third Way of DevOps, establishes a culture of experimentation and learning around improving flow and feedback.
Be sure to check out the Toyota Kata for more continuous improvement.
- Mastering the Third Way of DevOps use the Toyota Kata for continuous improvement
- Free DevOps Course much more detailed than what we can cover in the podcast
- Products over Projects expand flow, feedback, and learning to the entire organization
- Transcript
- My Review & Analysis on The DevOps Handbook
- My Review & Analysis on Accelerate
- Software Development in 3 Principles & 4 Metrics
- The DevOps Handbook by Gene Kim, Jez Humble, John Willis, Patrick Debois
- Accelerate by Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, Gene Kim