
Tech Leaders Hub

Fintech cybersecurity: the pitfalls that could end your business with Aleksander Czarnowski, Defenselayers | TLH Fintech #2

Cybersecurity is more important than ever—especially if you’re in fintech.

Destructive cybersecurity attacks against global financial institutions have surged by 118% over the past year, according to VMware

It’s time for tech leaders to prioritize cybersecurity—which is exactly why we made it the topic of our next live stream.

Joining us will be Aleksander Czarnowski, CEO at Defenselayers and AVETINS, an expert with over 23 years of experience in cybersecurity.

Topics we covered:

– the common cybersecurity mistakes fintechs are making;

– how you might be misallocating your cybersecurity budget (especially past Year One);

– how you can introduce a secure development lifecycle with privacy by default to prepare yourself against future threats;

– container and serverless computing security;

– compliance, GDPR, and dealing with the strict regulations in the financial sector.

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